Month: December 2012

  • Bye Bye 2012!

    Well, we're still...

    The world didn't transform into Paradise nor plummet into oblivion...

    Al Ikwan advanced, but not as far as they might have...

    Obama got re-elected, but at least Romney/Ryan failed...


    Could have been better, could have worse...


    Old Year Kiss-Off


    Dry Bones cartoon: 2012, new year, shuldig, Israel,


  • The Knights Templar and Babylon the Great

    Welcome to Thus Say the Prophets!
    The Revelation of Navi Y'shua
    By John of AllFaith © 10.05.09 (last update: 12.28.2012)
    Revelation 17:5
    Spiritual Adultery: Mystery, Greater Babylon and the Knights Templar

    For the complete text, audio or video version go to the index page for: The Revelation of Navi Y'shua

    For the complete text, audio or video version of this edition go to: HERE

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    We pray to the Adon Olam, the Master, Creator and Sustainer of all existence, to fill our hearts with wisdom, awe and understanding as we continue this study into the Revelation of Navi Y'shua. We ask for the strength and wisdom to withstand all forms of spiritual adultery and to be ever faithful to HaShem and His Torah.



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  • A Most Damnable Doctrine

    From my Golden Oldie collection:

  • Revelation 17:1-4 Spiritual Adultery: Babylon the Great

    Welcome to Thus Say the Prophets!
    The Revelation of Navi Y'shua
    By John of AllFaith © 10.05.09 (last update: 12.22.2012)
    Revelation 17:1-4
    Spiritual Adultery: Babylon the Great

    Go to the index page for: The Revelation of Navi Y'shua

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  • Revelation 17 Spiritual Adultery

    Welcome to Thus Say the Prophets!
    The Revelation of Navi Y'shua
    By John of AllFaith © 10.05.09 (last update: 12.20.2012)
    Revelation 17
    Spiritual Adultery

    Go to the index page for: The Revelation of Navi Y'shua

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  • Tis the Season To Debate Christmas....

    שמע ישראל ה 'הוא האלוהים שלנו הוא אחד

    Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohaynu Adonai Echad
    "Hear Israel,Adonai is our God, Adonai is One"

    The True Meaning (and Origins) of Christmas

    By John of AllFaith © 12.16.09 (last update 10.26.12 )
    Let's discuss this on my Blog!


    'Tis the season to debate Christmas, Falalalalalalalala!

    Each December devout Christians battle devout Atheists and people of other religions over the public face of Christmas. Many Nicene Christians maintain that their holiday festivities are sacrosanct and should not be limited by court rulings, should not be restricted by Heathens (i.e. adherents of Germanic based Neopaganism earth religion sects), Pagans (i.e. non-Abrahamic, indigenous polytheistic religious traditions) or others. If one says: "Happy Holidays" wishing to be respectful of all the winter holiday traditions one is frequently corrected with a tert, "Its Merry Christmas not Happy Holidays!" even though almost every religion and culture observes holidays this time of year. What's wrong with wishing people a joyous holiday? Here's just a few examples of the winter holidays celebrated between December and February each year:

    In December 2011:

    1 - Aleister Crowley Death (OTO, Occult)

    4 - Bona Dea (literally "the good goddess": Roman Pagan)

    5 - Faunalia (Roman Pagan in honour of Faunus)

    5 - Ashura (Islamic, Muslim)

    6 - St. Nicholas Day (International): The day to worship Nicholas of Myra: Santa Claus

    8 - Bodhi Day - Buddha's Enlightenment (Buddhist)

    8-16 - Chanukah (Jewish)

    9 - Day of Egil Skallagrimsson (Heathen, in honor of Oden (Wodan Wodel)

    11 - Agonalia (Roman Pagan for Janus and Agonius)

    12 - Virgin of Guadalupe (Mexico)

    13 - Santa Lucia Day (Sweden)

    15 - Consualia - (Roman: honors Consus, the god of counsel)

    16-25 - Las Posadas (Mexico)

    17 - Saturnalia - (Roman Pagan)

    18 - Eponalia (Roman)

    19 - Opalia (Roman in honor of Goddess Ops)

    20 - Mother Night -- First Day Of Yule (Sacred to Goddess Frigga, Thor and Freyr

    22 - Winter Solstice, Midwinter (Astrological, Pagan, Heathen)

    22 - Alban Arthan (Pagan: Sacrifice a pig for god Freyr)

    23 - End of the Elder Tree month (celtic)

    25 - Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, aka Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (Roman: Day of God Sol Invictus)

    25 - Brumalia (Roman: festival honoring god Bacchus)

    25 - Yule (Pagan, Christian, International)

    25 - Christmas (Christian, Roman Catholic, International)

    26 - Mummer's Day, aka Darkie Day - (Celtic)

    26 - Boxing Day (Canada, United Kingdom)

    26 - Kwanzaa (African-American)

    31 - Hogmanay (Scottish: Last Day of the Year Day)

    31 - Mandraniht (Heathen Angles: Night of Mothers)

    31 - Yule 12th Night (Pagan, Heathen)

    In January 2012

        1 - Feast of St. Basil (Christian, Orthodox)

    1 - Japanese New Year (Japan)

    1 - New Year's Day (United States)

    5 - Guru Gobind Singh's Birthday (Sikh)

    5 - Twelfth Night (Christian: marking the coming of the Epiphany)

    6 - Epiphany or Twelfth Day (Christian)

    6 - Three Kings' Day (Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic)

    7 - The Nativity of Jesus Christ, aka Orthodox Christmas (Christian: Orthodox)

    9 - Raud the Strong`s Day (Heathen: Norwegian: In memory of when King Olaf Tryggvason of Norway executed Raud by making him swallow a snake.)

    11 - Carmentalia (Roman: feast day of goddess and oracle Carmenta)

    12 - Day of Egil Skallagrimsson, aka Distaff Day (Christian, Heathen, Pagan: originally honoring goddess Frigga)

    13 - Lohri (Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh)

    15 - Carmentalia (Roman: honring goddess Carmenta

    16 - Religious Freedom Day

    16 - World Religion Day (Baha'i)

    16 - Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday - Observed (United States)

    20 - Thorrablot, aka Þorrablót (Heathen, Norse, Islandic: Honoring god Thor)

    21 - Start of Rowan Tree month: January 21st - February 17th (Celtic)

    23 - Chinese Lunar New Year (China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam)

    23 - Tet Nguyen Dan (Vietnam) "Year of the Dragon" (seems appropriate somehow!)

    24 - Sementivae, aka Feriae Sementivae (Roman: Festival of sowing)

    26 - India Republic Day

    31 - Disfest, aka Disablo (Heathen: Day of sacrifice honoring the Disir: diseased female relatives)

    31 - Imbolc Eve (Pagan, Heathen: In preparation for Imbolc)

    In early February

        1 - Imbolc (Celtic, Pagan, Heathen, Fire Worshippers: Day of fertility and fire celebrations)

    1 - St Brigids day, aka Naomh Bhríde (Christian: Catholic, Irish: Saint Brigid of Kildare aka St Brigid of Ireland (Brigit, Bridget, Bridgit, Bríd or Bride), in Irish

    2 - Sementivae, aka Feriae Sementivae (Roman: festival of sowing sacred to Ceres, goddess of agriculture and Tellus, Mother Earth)

    So... Isn't "Happy holidays" more accurate?

    But still many Christians argue that if non-Christians don't like being bombarded with songs like "O Little Town of Bethlehem" and "Joy to the world, the Lord has come," If they have a problem with Old Saint Nick and kisses under strategically placed sprigs of mistletoe, if they dislike the rampant and all consuming greed of the Christmas season... well... that's their problem. They should just repent and come to Jesus! Right? Besides, no one says theyhave to gather around O Tannenbaum and yon virgin anyway! If celebrating the birth of the "Prince of Peace" brings divisions between neighbors, promotes greed and avarice, causes millions to suffer the annual bouts of depression and displaced anger, if the observances result in frequent legal challenges... well so be it! Its a holy jolly time of year so have a cup of cheer and shut up about it already! Just celebrate Jesus birth (on the wrong day!)!

    My question is why so many people who claim to honor, obey and practice biblical religion engage in and promote customs and holidays that the Bible clearly and unmistakably condemn? I'm not judging/condemning non-Christians and their practices here, please don't misunderstand me, but those Christians who demand others conform to the biblical rules are leading the way in celebrating Pagan holidays!

    Also, why do Nicene Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus at the one time of year we know for a fact that he was not born in? Find out below!

    Is "Jesus the Reason for the Season?"

    Absolutely not as we will see. At best he was a manipulated afterthought.

    One of the most serious sins according to the Bible is religious hypocrisy and I wish to acknowledge up front that I usually spend Christmas day with family and friends: a diverse collection Christians, Jews, Pagans and non-religious folks who gather for food, fun and family. I give them presents and I accept them with thanks. The winter holidays can be fun times to gather with others and, let's face it, Christians today do not observe the day in honor of Dionysus, Sol Invictus and the other Pagan gods. As we walk Derech HaShem (the Way of God) we need a balanced perspective on these things. We should however have an accurate understanding about the holiday's origins and practices. Then we will be empowered to decide whether and how to observe these times as Believers in HaShem who seek to honor our Cohen Gadol Y'shua (our "High Priest Jesus").

    The Birth of Y'shua ben Miryam

    Here's the biblical account of our Rebbe's birth:

    Luke 2:1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
    2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
    3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
    4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
    5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
    6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
    7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger [a "sukkah" in Hebrew]; because there was no room for them in the inn.
    8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
    9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
    10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
    11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is anointed ["christos"] of the Lord.
    12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
    13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
    14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
    15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
    16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger [a "sukkah" in Hebrew].
    17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
    18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
    19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

    A "sukkah" (verses 7, 16) is a temporary shelter erected by Jews in honor of the festival of Sukkot (in remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt). Note that Yosef, Myriam and Y'shua were all staying in the sukkah. The Greeks, having no such festival, use the word phatneor manger to convey the idea of the small Jewish dwellings. This verse suggests that our Rebbe was probably born during this important Jewish festival in a traditional sukkah. More on this below.

    When was Rebbe Y'shua Born?

    Governor Publius Sulpicius Quirinius

    One question scholars have debated since the founding of the Roman Universalist (Catholic) religion is what year Y'shua the Nazarene was born. This reference by Luke should clarify the matter. We shouldbe able to find this decree in the Roman archives and establish the year this particular census took place and, thereby, determine the date of his birth. Alas its not that easy.

    Our text says that this Roman census -- the word apographodoes not refer to a "taxation" as in the King James Version but to a written census or registration for identification purposes -- was "the first census made when Quirinius was governor of Syria."

    According to the noted Roman historian Florus, around 14 BCE Quirinius defeated a desert-dwelling tribe of outlaws (known as the Marmaridae) while he was governor of Crete and Cyrene. This victory brought him to the notice of Augustus.

    We know that Quirinius had clout with the Roman hierarchy at the time our Rebbe is believed to have born (circa 7 BCE). However, he was not yet governor of Syria as Luke preportedly says here.

    In 6 CE the Roman Province of Iudaea -- i.e. Samaria, Judea and Idumea combined -- was placed under direct Roman governance. At that time Coponius was named Prefect of Iudaea and Quirinius (Cyrenius in the KJV) was appointed Legate or Governor of Syria (so he was governor of Syria, just a bit leter than Luke has it). One of his first duties as governor was to conduct this census/registration to enable Rome to efficiently tax the people of his province (so the census was to make the taxation possible but was not itself a taxation). The text literally says this was to be a census of "all the world" but the context refers only to "the Roman world." According to established Roman records this census occurred in 6 or 7 CE (or AD) which fits with Quirinius' known service to Rome as established elsewhere.

    This would suggest that Y'shua was around 7 to 10 years old when the census was taken, if the earlier believed dates are correct. We know that in 12 CE Quirinius returned to Rome as a close associate of Tiberias and nine years later he died and was given a public funeral.

    According to both Luke (Luke 1:5) and Matthew (Matthew 2:12) Rebbe Y'shua was born during the reign of Herod the Great, who is known to have died between 4 and 1 BCE depending to who you ask (based on Josephus' description of a specific lunar eclipse verses certain Roman documents). If Rebbe Y'shua was born during the Reign of Herod of the Great -- not to be confused with his son Herod Antipas who ruled Galilee between 4 BCE - 39 CE -- then our Rebbe had to have been born before Quirinius' 6 or 7 CE census was taken and indeed at some point prior to 4 to 1 BCE. This further supports his birth taking place around 7 BCE while Herod the Great was still on the scene as the New Testament describes.

    Since we know the dates of Herod the Great's death and Herod Antipas' reign from established records, the earlier date for the Master's birth, circa 7 BCE seems certain, Quirinius' 6 CE census not withstanding.

    Matthew 2:19 records that Rebbe Y'shua was living with his parents in Egypt when Herod the Great died:

    Matthew 2:19 But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of Adonai appeared in a dream to Yosef in Egypt, saying,
    2:20 "Arise and take the young child and his mother, and go into Eretz-Israel, for those who sought the young child's life are dead."
    2:21 He arose and took the young child and his mother, and came into Eretz-Israel.

    The best guess seems to be that these verses (i.e. Luke 2:1-21) were later edited by the Church for now uncertain purposes). We can with fairly reasonable certitude say that Rebbe Y'shua was in or near 7 BCE. Having established this we now turn to the time of the year he was born.

    December 25th in Israel

    Our text informs us:

    Luke 2:8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

    These shepherds were "abiding" or "camping" in the wilderness and watching over their flocks all night to protect them from wild animals, poachers and so on. This would not be the case in the middle of winter. The animals would have been stabled during December, not subjected to the winter cold. The shepherds might have taken them out nearby to graze in the daytime, but the text specifically states that the shepherds were camped out with their flocks all night. Bethlehem has a Mediterranean climate. This means hot dry summers and cold, wet winters. Late December and January are the coldest months of the year there with temperatures ranging from 33–55 degrees Fahrenheit (1 to 13 degree Celsius).

    Based on this fact alone Christmas is out as his birthday if we accept the New Testament record. So, if Rebbe Y'shua was not born in December where did we get that date?

    The Catholic Church openly acknowledges the error of the December 25 date (even though they continue to observe it) but they are reticent to admit its real origin. Here's their version of what happened:

    The Calculation of Dionysus Exiguus

    We are told that a noted Catholic Scythian monk and abbot named Dionysius Exiguus sought to determine the birth day of Y'shua ben Miryam and erred in his calculations. His honest mistake is said to have resulted in the Christmas date and the Church saw no reason to correct it. As we will show below, there was much more to chosing this date than his error, however his miscalculation was as follows:

    Under Roman rule dates were counted from ab urbe condita: AUC (which is to say, they were based on the founding of the City of Rome by Romulus and Remus). Therefore what we date as the year 753 BCE was calculated as their (Roman) year 1 AUC (i.e. the year Rome was founded) and all Roman dating goes forward from there.

    Dionysius Exiguus thus began his calculations on the known dates of Roman Emperor Augustus (who reigned 43 years) and thos of Emperor Tiberias who succeeded him.

    Luke 3:1 and 3:23 tells us that Rebbe Y'shua turned 30 years old during the 15th year of Tiberias' reign. Dionysius Exiguus thereby concluded that our Rebbe lived 15 years under Augustus (thus placing his birth during the 28th year of Augustus).

    It is known that Augustus took power in 727 AUC and so Dionysius established the birth year of our Rebbe as 754 AUC, or in the year 1 CE according to modern calculations.

    As discussed above however, Herod the Great died in 750 AUC and both Matthew and Luke placed the birth during his reign. So the problem again is with Luke's (altered?) text as we now have it. We are convinced that all four Gospel accounts were originally written in Hebrew. If this is correct, the error doubtless slipped in as the Greek copy of Luke's account was being made (the Aramaic version in the Peshitta contains the same descrepency).

    Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at the Catholic University of America, a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, and former president of the Catholic Biblical Association acknowledges that "the year of Jesus birth, is based on a miscalculation introduced ca. 533 by Dionysius Exiguus." (se Addison G. Wright, Roland E. Murphy, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, "A History of Israel" in The Jerome Biblical Commentary, Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1990, p. 1247.)

    The DePascha Computus, an anonymous document believed to have been written in North Africa around 243 CE, placed Jesus birth on March 28. Clement, a bishop of Alexandria (d. ca. 215 CE), thought Jesus was born on November 18. Based on historical records, Fitzmyer guesses that Jesus birth occurred on September 11, 3 BCE.

    Conclusion: Rebbe Y'shua's Likely Birth Date

    The simple fact is, at this point we can not know for certain when the great Rebbe was born, neither the year, the month nor the day. It seems most likely however from we have that his birth occured during the eight day Jewish festival of Sukkot,as discussed briefly above. This biblical festival begins on Tishri 15 (five days after Yom Kippur as described at Leviticus 23:33-44).

    As for the time of year it was certainly not midwinter based on Luke's description of the Shepherds abiding in the fields by night. The description of the child being born in a sukkah (a typically small hut used during the festival of Sukkot) or a phatnein the Greek version, supports the idea of a Sukkot birth and this fits everything else that is known.

    This coupled with the elevation of Publius Sulpicius Quirinius (as Herod Antipas was making his influence known in Rome during the waning years of Herod the Great) makes circa 7 BCE a most likely year for the birth.

    By my calculations then, this would make his likely birthday on or a few days after Thursday, October 6, 7 BCE (on the Gregorian calender or October 8, 7 BCE on the Julian) which was the first day of Sukkot that year. This date is also harmonious with Matthew and Luke's accounts

    December 25th

    The Real Reason for the Season

    As I've discussed in several other studies, following the Diaspora (70 CE) and the exile of the Jewish people from the Roman Province of Iudaea (Judea: Eretz Israel) many false doctrines arose within the Messianic Jewish Movement among those who claimed to be Jews (i.e. who claimed to have truly converted to Judaism through Rebbe Y'shua) but were not (Revelation 3:9). Rebbe Y'shua describes the false doctrines as the Nicolaitan Heresy in the second and third chapters of his Revelation to Rav John. The Nicolaitan Heresy (also known as the the "Error of Balaam" and the "teachings of that woman Jezebel" -- i.e. the triple goddess -- that will eventually develop into Babylon the Great) is essentially the overlaying of Pagan beliefs and doctrines onto the framework established by the Jewish reform movement of Rebbe Y'shua. The Pagan rites of December 25th are among these added and forbidden "traditions of men" (Colossians 2:8, II Thessalonians 2:15).

    Despite the desire of Dionysius Exiguus and others to justify the infusion of the winter solstice rites into the new religion, the real reason December 25th was chosen as his feast day was to continue the traditions of Saturnalia and the other popular Pagan winter holiday traditions. Perhaps they reasoned that these holidays were so enmeshed in the Pagan cultures that banning them might alienate the people. Perhaps it was because the leaders were politically minded rather than spiritually minded. Perhaps it was because after outlawing "Judaizing" they knew no better... or perhaps it was because among the Nicolaitan Vatican hierarchy it was desired to remove and replace all vestiges of biblical Jewish culture. Whatever their motivations, there is no biblical support for this date at all.


    The Roman celebration of Saturnalia ran from December 17-25 each year. It was the most popular of the Roman holidays.

    During this popular festival of hedonism, gluttony and greed each community would pick someone to play the role of "Lord of Misrule." It was common practice for Pagans to incarnate their gods in such ways. The "Old Gods" frequently took birth and walked among humanity.

    The gods seem to enjoy taking human birth and do so fairly often and in creative ways we are told. Sometimes they do so through virgin births like Dionysus (fathered by Zeus) and Horus (son of Isis using the crafted golden penis of Osiris). Sometimes the god was conceived in one mother but then moves to a different womb to be born, as with Sri Krsna of India (the eighth son of princess Devaki and Vasudeva, Krsna transferred wombs in order to be born of Rohini -- he was then raised by the pious Yashoda and Nanda in Gokul. As in the case of the biblical Y'shua, an evil King, named Kamsa, was determined to destroy the child as soon as it was born). Other gods come as visitations, possessions etc. At still other times (as with "Lord of Misrule") someone would take up the divine identity for a period, and then be sacrificed. Such avatars and incarnations are common in most Pagan relgions, and during Saturnalia the gods take center stage.

    The incarnate "Lord of Misrule" represented the spirit of darkness, lawlessness and abuse. As Savior and Lord he took upon himself the excesses of the people as sacrificial scapegoat. During the festival week the Savior was given every imaginable luxury and excess; he was "King for the Week" and nothing he might wish was denied him. Nothing! Hedonism reigned supreme among all the Pagans during the festival season and nothing was off limits to them. They roamed the streets of their towns and villages naked or in costume, drunkenly singing raucous holiday carols and looking for sex partners, drugs, tests of their manhood, and so on. But in the end, the Savior was always sacrificed for the sins of the people.

    As the new Roman Christ-Mass celebrations began overshadowing the festivities many of the Saturnalia rites were simply transferred and solemnized with the blessings of the Nicolaitan Church. Examples of this sort of approved hedonism are still seen in Brazil's Carnival and New Orleans's Mardi Gras (which ends on "Ash Wednesday" as the revellers gather before an ash smudging Catholic priest at Saint Louis Cathedral). In time the Church reigned in most of the holiday execeses and appropriate celebratory behaviour was legislated. A public kiss under the misstletoe is fine, but sexual abandone is not.

    This is the true historic origins of the Christ-Mass. Christmas was created to replace Saturnalia and similar winter holidays by the ruling power: the Vatican. Its customs, as well as the date, all stem back to Paganism.

    Ginger Bread Men and Transubstantiation

    As part of the Saturnalia rites the Pagans ate little biscuits, often shaped like human beings or animals, usually with enlarged sexual organs (now known as Christmas cookies and ginger bread men). St. Nicholas Magazine (May, 1875) recounts one of the surviving stories in the "Tale of the Gingerbread Boy." In brief, the wife in a childless couple was baking cookies one day and fashioned one in the shape of a boy. When she opened the oven a real boy (made out of gingerbread) jumped out and ran off. The woman, her husband, the farmhands, even the animals chased the boy but to no avail. As he ran the Ginger Bread Boy would taunt them, saying:

    I've run away from a little old woman,
    A little old man,
    A barn full of threshers,
    A field full of mowers,
    A cow and a pig,
    And I can run away from you, I can!

    Finally the fox joined in the chase and caught the boy:

    Presently the gingerbread boy said, "Oh dear! I'm quarter gone!"
    And then, "Oh, I'm half gone!"
    And soon, "I'm three-quarters gone!"
    And at last, "I'm all gone!"
    and he never spoke again. (Read the whole story Here)

    The Gingerbread Man tale has several versions but as far as we know none are the original. For more on the Gingerbread Man consult the SurLaLune Fairy Talessite.

    In 1890 the Ginger Bread Boy story was updated by Joseph Jacobs and published as "Johnny-Cake" in his English Fairy Tales collection, but the story is clearly much older. Given what is known there should be no real doubt that originally the account held deep Pagan references to cannibalism and human sacrifice, to eating ones god in the form of a wafer.

    The story became a satirical memorial of one boy who sought unsuccessfully to escape human sacrifice (a similar chase of the victim is recounted in the annual Wickerman tales). This eating of the sacrificial god may remind Catholics of their doctrine of Transubstantiation (the Papal doctrine whereby the "Communion Host" literally becomes the blood and flesh of Jesus to be cannibalistically consumed again and again -- in violation of Scripture: Hebrew 6:6: "...since they crucify the Son of God afresh to themselves and put Him to an open shame.

    Likewise we have this prohibition that covers a multitude of these acts:

    Deuteronomy 12:29 When Adonai your God cuts off the nations before you, where you go to possess them, and you take their place and dwell in their land,
    12:30 take heed to yourself that you do not become snared by following them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not ask about their gods,saying, How did these nations serve their gods, that I too may do likewise?
    12:31 You shall not do so to Adonai your God. For every abomination to Adonai, which He hates, they have done to their gods; even their sons and their daughters they have burned in the fire to their gods.
    12:32 All the things I command you, be careful to do it. You shall not add to it, nor take away from it.

    During Saturnalia rape, incest, bestiality, adultery, most anything imaginable was not only allowed but encouraged. The courts were closed and anything went.

    Until, on the 25th of December, the "Lord of Misrule," the Pagan Savior, was publicly executed! This communal murder indicated the passing of the Dark back to the Light, lawlessness back to law, chaos to order, the old year to the new. The Savior had died for the sins of his people.

    Once this was accomplished the people pretended that none of the abuses had ever taken place. They happily returned to their comparatively civilized lives in preparation for Yule.

    At first the followers of Rebbe Y'shua were doubtless appalled by these acts but as the Universal Church replaced the Way of HaShemin the 4th century, Saturnalia was incorporated and "Christianized" by the Roman Church and with it came ever more Pagan converts and tithe payers.

    This is the origin of the Christ-Mass

    Christmas Trees

    Christmas trees (like the Tannenbaum or sacred fir tree) are specifically forbidden by the Torah and yet, as with Saturnalia's cannibalism of the "Host," this tradition too was incorporated by the Nicolaitan Church to bring in ever more Pagans. This tradition pleased the Druid converts, the Asheira cult and so on.

    Of this forbidden practice we read:

    Jeremiah 10:1 "Hear ye the word which Adonai speaks unto you, O house of Israel:
    10:2 Thus saith Adonai, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
    10:3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
    10:4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
    10:5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

    Traditions of the "sacred tree" are ancient. The pre-Christian Romans honored the evergreen pine to celebrate the spring festival of Arbor intrat (now celebrated as Arbor Day: National Arbor Day is the last Friday in April). Each March 22, in honor of the Spring Equinox (Easter, Eostar, Ostara, Sham el Nessim, Higan, Nowruz etc), the devotees of goddess Cybele cut down a pine tree and carried it to the Palatine temple for worship. The tree was wrapped in tinsel (bandages), wreathed with violets and decorated to mourn the death Attis, the self castrated son of Cybele who died beneath a pine tree. Then miraculously three days later Attis was restored to life. Sound familiar? This is the origin of Pagan holiday now called Easter. The pine tree of Cybele and Attis was transferred to the more important Christian holiday of the Christ-Mass.

    According to the poet Virgil the Romans decorated sacred trees with little masks signifying the fertility god Bacchus even as people today place ornaments on Christmas trees. It was believed that as the wind blew these ornaments around, Bacchus would grant fertility to whatever the masks looked upon (people, animals etc). Therefore trees around the fields, the stables and elsewhere were decorated for the holiday as Christians today decorate their yards.

    The Romans also believed that woodland fairies and nature spirits (like Santa's "Christmas elves") lived in the branches of the decorated trees (possibly giving rise to the custom of leaving milk and cookies out on Christmas Eve near the family tree).

    Worshipers of Mithras Sol Invictus (the Roman Sun god worshiped by Constantine, the founder of Nicene Christianity until the day of his death -- for more on this see my study Here) also believed that the souls of the recently dead occupied the holiday trees awaiting rebirth. Trees were decorated by these people to call forth "the shimmering presence of the Sun" (Sol Invictus). Mithraism was a major factor in the doctrinal development of the New Religion of the Universal Church we know as Christianity, and to them the Winter Solstice and Saturnalia marked one of the four Sacred holidays.

    Mithras Sol Invictus
    Born from the rock (petra genetrix)
    , Marble, 180-192 CE.
    This is from the area of S. Stefano Rotondo, Rome.

    Pre-Muslim Egyptians also honored a sacred tree, in their case it was the palm tree. Their sacred tree also held promises of resurrection and good fortune. Like the Christmas tree it was brought into their homes and decorated during the winter solstice.

    And of course the Sacred Groves of the Baal and Ashtaroth worshipers are repeatedly condemned in the Torah.

    How "Bible believing" Nicene Christians can justify these clearly condemned customs is difficult to understand. There is no way around it, the "Christmas tree" is clearly the Nicene Christian expression of these ancient forbidden Pagan customs and we see these idols standing in churches and Christian homes throughout the world.


    The mistletoe found on the "sacred oak" was considered especially holy to the ancient Celtic Druids. On the sixth night of the moon Druid priests dressed in long white robes cut oak mistletoe with a golden sickle. They sacrificed white bulls while uttering prayers that the recipients of the mistletoe would prosper in all ways, including fertility and sexual prowess.

    It is taught that the Norse god Balder was killed by the god Hoder using an arrow made of mistletoe while fighting for the pleasure of Lady Nanna. Mistletoe is a potent poison used by Druids and others that reaches deep within the soul according to the Will of the empowered Mage, or so they say. Like so many other Pagan traditions this one was Christianized to draw in more Pagans and continue the ancient ways in a renewed form. We are reminded of the mysterious mistletoe as we see the green and red garlands dangling from Christmas trees.

    Mistletoe both empowers and gives license to sexual promiscuity. For this reason the Universal Church established the tradition of "kissing under the mistletoe" in preparation for the hedonism of Saturnalia! Even today this Pagan custom forms a frequent part of the Yule-tide observances. Paganized Nicene Christians do not typically place the biblically mandated mezuzah on their doorposts (Deuteronomy 11:20), but during this time of year many joyously put mistletoe up and exchange ritual kisses by its command.

    The Dark Truth About Santa Claus

    Now we enter into the darkest aspect of the Christian Season.

    The diverse traditions around Old Saint Nick come from a few different places and have been combined into the popular image of Santa Claus we have today. His very presence however demonstrates the Pagan nature of this holiday.

    In the Beginning: The Mer People

    In the areas around Bavaria (home of the Bavarian Illuminati and seat of Merovingian global power) dwells an ancient river spirit named "Neck," "Nikke," or "Nokke." This nature spirit is of the same family of elementals as the Celtic Water Kelpie (the famous extra-natural water horses of the Misty Isles). These spirits are directly related to the Mermen and Mermaids of Triton (and elsewhere). The history of these Mer People and their gods reach back to the ancient religions of Babylon and even before with the Nephalim (Genesis 6:4). To appreciate the true nature of Santa Claus we need to understand these connections.

    The Babylonian God Oannes and Dagon

    Very briefly, the Babylonian god Oannes was widely worshiped around 5000 B.C.E. in many different geographic areas of the Old World. He appears to have been one of the original gods of Babel. Through him we find our trail to Old Saint Nick.

    The renown Jewish scholar Rashi confirmed that Oannes is the same god as Dagon mentioned in the Bible. Dagon was worshiped by the Philistines of the Middle East and is condemned at places like Judges 16:23. Dagon was the head god of the Philistine's 200 plus regional pantheon and his origins are found at the Tower of Babel as Oannes.

    You will doubtless recall that the Philistine Goliath (killed by David) and his three brothers are described as Nephilim ("Rapha" or giants) in the Tanakh at II Samuel 21:22. Dagon was one of their principle deities and his worship arose among the Nephilim who survived the global flood (Genesis 6:4: ... There were giants [nephilim] in the earth in those days, and also after that....). Rashi points out that the Hebrew word dāg or 'fish' is the root of the name Dagon, which reveals much about his worship and origins. Thus Rashi draws a direct connection between Dagon and Oannes (the the right). Through Dagon therefore we discover the path through which the Nicolaitan heresy advanced.

    Images of Oannes (to the left) and Dagon typically show him wrapped about in a fish scale cloak or as a complete Mer-man. This iconically identifies them both as moon gods -- like the Arab god Hubal-Sin (now more commonly known as the allah of Islam: chief god of the 360 Arab gods of the Mecca Ka'aba -- as well as gods of the seas arising from the Great Flood). This connection establishes a link between Oannes and Dagon, between the Mer people and the Merovingian Elite as we will see.

    The consort of Oannes is Atargatis (to the right) who is known to the Greeks as Derketo. Atargatis was originally a Semitic moon goddess of the Ishmaelites, the Syrians and others. She is the first known Mer-maid. She had a fish tail and fish were sacred to her. Atargatis and Oannes were the parents of Queen Semiramis, the Assyrian queen of Babylon, for whom the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built.

    Babylon, you will recall, was the first of the four world empires discussed by Prophet Daniel in chapter two of his book as I discuss Here.

    Queen Semiramis and King Nimrod of Babylon
    Founders of the Nicolaitan Movement

    Prophetically the Nicolaitan/Nicene heresies will one day become what Navi John refers to as "Babylon the Great." From this original universalistic Babylonian religion most others, directly or indirectly, arise. The various Pagan and Pagan born religions all have their origins in Babel, the city that became the empire of King Nebuchadnezzar into which the House of Judah went captive. Goddess Atargatis is publicly adored to this day as Goddess Europa, the Statue of Liberty and so on. For this reason Navi John wrote of her:

    Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

    These connections are not coincidental. The Jewish people, the Elect of HaShem, are being attacked by the same enemies today as in the Tanakh: The Nicolaitans. No wonder Rav John warns us to flee from her (Revelation 18:4)!

    What has all this got to do with Santa Claus? The Nicolaitan god is seated upon the reindeer drawn sled as Santa awaiting his ascendency to the global throne!

    So to tie this all together:

    The Merovingian Global Elite trace their roots to Merovech, shown to the left triumphantly emerging from the sea (Meroveus or Merovius in Latin and Mérovée in French). He was the founder of the Salian Frankish Merovingian dynasty. According to their traditions, Merovech was born of a sea god after his mother was raped by a bestea Neptuni Quinotauri similis who "fell from the skies." In other words, he was one of the original Nephilim who was born after their non-human fathers raped human women to produce hybrid offspring (Genesis 6:1-3). This is the origins of Mer Lineage. Mero being the root word of mer-maid and mer-men, these beings survived the global flood of Noah's day.

    The origins of this hybrid being and his offspring are also identified through the ancient Bavarian river spirits mentioned above. This title directly references the progenitor of the Merovingian Dynasty as "Neck," "Nikke," or "Nokke": i.e. as "Old Nick" or Lucifer/Heylel in the guise of a quinotaur -- a five-horned sea bull (as a "beast" intent on destroying the Jewish people as referenced at Revelation 12).

    According to many of the Dark Prophecies, Rex Mundi (the coming global despot) will arise from and lead the Merovingians to establish the New Order of the Ages ("the Novus Ordo Seclorum"). Old Nick is the actual god of the Merovingians and the true father of the Nicolaitan Heresy. Old Nick is Santa Claus thinly veiled.

    The Nicolaitan Heresy (Revelation 2:15), by whatever name, is a movement that began before the global flood and that has been carefully concealed and developed within the heart of the Nicene Church by the Merovingian Elite from as early as the late Second Century CE. This covert cabal, secreted within the very walls of the Vatican, established much of what today is accepted as standard Christian dogma, including Santa Claus and the Christmas observances in his honor. Babylon the Great ("that woman Jezebel") will be the organized global structure through which this centuries-long endeavor will finally be realized under the authority of Rex Mundi (the Antichrist). Note that "Babylon the Great" will not exist, strictly speaking, until the coming leader makes his presence known and begins his rise and his False Prophet formally establishes the new Universal Religion in his honor.

    This is the true identity of Old Nick.

    But of course, had this been plainly revealed to the public the mislead believers would have rebelled. For this reason a nicer, more Catholic face was developed for public consumption.

    Saint Nicholas and the Nicolaitan Heresy

    The "Nicolaitan Heresy" (referenced directly in the Book of the Revelationand indirectly by Paul, John and others in the New Testament) is the dogma of the Humanist Universalism. The essential idea goes back to the Tower of Babel (Genesis 10,11) when humanity sought to replace the worship of the One God with Deistic Humanism under the guidance of Goddess Atargati. The underpinning dogma is the idea that human wisdom can be unified using diverse religious and philosophical concepts to form a single global system (paradigm) through which humanity can be elevated to the level of deity. In other words:

    Genesis 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

    The Nicolaitan heresy promises to replace the one true God, as Heylel or Lucifer promised Adam and Havah (Eve), with those who prove themselves worthy: the Nicolaitans.

    Through the Nephilim(Genesis 6:1-6), King Nimrod (Genesis 9:10) and Queen Semiramis the heresy spread into Babylon and has been passed down ever since. The titulary leader of this heretical movement is known as "Old Nick" or "the Stranger." He who is aloof and unto himself. His name, Nicholas, means "victory" or "ascendency of humanity."

    "Old Nick" is an ancient and well known moniker of certain gods (especially of those who rule the subterranean and occult regions such as Hades) and yet Christians and others place their children onto the lap of "Saint Nick" each Yule and instruct them to pray to him for material possessions.

    Santa is not what he seems!

    Old Nick: Nicolaitan God of the Merovingians

    "Saint" Nicholas with the Three Boys in the Pickling Tub,
    South Netherlandish, ca. 1500. -- Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Here's his story:

    Nicholas of Mira ("Saint Nick") was a Greek Nicolaitan Arch Bishop of uncertain parentage who lived around 270 to December 6, 343 CE (which is his holy day) in the city of Patara (Lycia et Pamphylia: a port on the Mediterranean Sea) in Asia Minor. He is also known as Nicholas the Wonder Worker, Nicholas of Bari, Saint Nick and the historic Santa Claus.

    Becoming Bishop of Myra (now part of Turkey) Old Saint Nick relocated to Mira, the holy city of Grandmother (High) Goddess Pasqua Epiphania and took up residency in her temple. Here's one of the famous accounts of his wonders there:

    Once a wealthy merchant or mage from the East sent his three sons to Myra to see "His Reverence, Nicholas the Arch Bishop." The young men entered Mira at dusk and took a room in the inn.

    Noting their obvious wealth and breeding the innkeeper crept up to their room around midnight and stole their belongings. Lest he be caught he decided to murder the three young men. He hauled their bodies into the cellar, dismembered them, and tossed into a large pork pickling-tub. Hoping to also profit from their deaths, their remains were mixed with the pork to be sold as food and shipped away across the Adriatic to Slovenia, Croatia and points beyond.

    Nicholas of Myra was no ordinary priest however and he knew what had been done! In the morning he donned his pontifical vestments and confronted the innkeeper with his crime. Having been discovered the innkeeper fell to his knees and confessed his crime, begging forgiveness. What became of the innkeeper is debated.

    Old Nick then went into the cellar to the tub and waved his wonder working hands over its contents. At his Word of Power the bodies of the three young men reassembled and they came back to life, hole and fit and worshipped Old Nick.

    As stated above, the name Nicholas means "ascendency of humanity." Its shortened form, Nick, is related to (or may likely be derived from) the Dutch word nikken or devil. The word nikken is related to (stems from) the Anglo-Saxon Nicaeanmeaning "to slay." This is harmonious with the Nicolaitan/Luciferian dogma that humanity ascends by slaying and consuming the deity (as with the Gingerbread Man and other forms of Transubstantiation breads).

    Nicholas of Mira reigned as Arch Bishop during the formative years of the Universal (Catholic) Church. During that period the original Messianic Jewish teachings of Rebbe Y'shua were being altered and redefined into the Roman Church dogmas by the Nicolaitans.

    Please note: Not all Catholics are Nicolaitans and this is not intended to be a blanket attack on them. Many are sincere devout people who worship God to the best of their knowledge and abilities. The heresy abides within the chambers of the Vatican as it does elsewhere. Catholics are no less "Christian" than the rest of Christendom. With this understanding, consider the following points from the tale of Nicholas and the Three Boys in the Pickling

    • The wealthy man from the east (like the biblical wise men from the east to see Y'shua) can be understood as a representative of the counsel of gods based on the ancient Pagan principle: Ex Lux Orient: Truth Comes from the East (this is further supported by the point that Heylel or Lucifer is known as the Eastern or Day Star who rules that direction. Also because Lucius is the god of the Nicolaitans who illumines the Illuminati from the earth).
    • The "three sons" sent forth from this eastern counsel can be understood as the Christian Trinity being sent to appear before the head ("Old Nick") Nicolaitan (all gods are subject to him).
    • The three sons (i.e. the Trinity, representing, in their symbolism, the original Messianic Jewish movement) is found unfit to continue and so undergoes a process of Nicolaitan Disambiguation (i.e. a process of resolving the conflicts that exist between the biblical, diverse Pagan and Heathen and desired Nicolaitan dogmas).
    • As the "born again" Trinity arises from the water (another significant Pagan implication here) they leave or emerge from the "pork" (an insulting reference to Judaism) elements and are thus deemed worthy by Old Nick to serve as representatives of the Nicolaitan/Bavarian hierarchy and to further its goals.

    Nicholas, Bishop of Myra and Lord of Bari

    Nicholas the Wonder worker" as he was known was born in Parara, Turkey (in 270 CE. He died December 5th or 6th, 346). He was said to be a very kind and generous man who often left secreted gifts for the poor with the aid of companions like Zwarte Piet (a black skinned servant), Knecht Ruprecht (a bearded farm hand), Krampus (an incubus-like horned creature), der Wilde Mann (an unhorned incubus known simply as "the wild man") and other non-biblical Pagan characters. The town's people would leave their shoes out on their porches overnight and Nicholas would often leave coins in them.

    The Nicene Church officials carefully crafted Nicholas' popular reputation into the public facade of their Saint ("Santa") Nick (even though he was not formally declared a Catholic saint until the 19th century). By incorporating these images and traditions many Northern Europeans came into the universal Church. While Old Nick's demonic companions are largely unknown in the US, they are still widely honored and feared in Bavaria, the Netherlands and elsewhere as the nature-spirit assistants to Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas' name comes from the Dutch word Sinter and offers a hint into Old Nick's true identity. He emerges from the sintel or cinders of the mythical regions of Hell along with his demonic assistants! The west still maintains this tradition somewhat as Santa emerging from fireplaces.

    Nicholas, Nicea and the Nicolaitan Heresy

    There was much more to "Nicholas the Wonder worker" than a simple and generous Catholic priest however! Nicholas of Myra was also one of the senior bishops who convened the Council of Nicea in 325 CE in order to establish the dogmas and authority of the new Universal ("catholic") Church. He was also instrumental in the editing, reworking and eventual canonization of what is known today as the New Testament. He is also partly culpable for the destruction of all the original documents from which it was derived (or perhaps with concealing them in the Vatican vaults). Along with various coconspirators Nicholas of Myra created the Nicene Creedthat effectively blended Paganism with the teachings of the Way and forever severed Messianic Judaism from its Jewish roots.

    This means that a member of the Nicene Counsel became the very embodiment of Old Nick and the benefactor of Christian children worldwide!

    This is the true Santa.

    It is therefore quite revealing that Santa Claus has by far outdistanced Jesus as the true "reason for the season!"

    Christmas Stockings and Gift Giving

    Cynical (Bah Humbug!) or not, a very real "reason for the season" is the redistribution of vast fortunes from the pockets of the working poor into hands of the Elite and other corporate interests. Santa and the financial hedonism of Christmas was intentionally designed to facilitate this fleecing of the poor.

    So we ask:

    Is there a biblical basis for this annual greed-a-thon? Absolutely not!

    During Saturnalia gifts were compulsively exchanged in honor of the coming Light of Mithras Sol Invictus, so too now they are exchanged to acknowledge the coming of the "Son of God" -- whose birth has nothing to do with the Winter Solstice. Does this guilt ridden gift giving have a biblical basis? No. In the Gospel account only the Magi from the East gave gifts and that was only to the child Y'shua and his parents in homage of his potential as King of Jews. There is no evidence of anyone else exchanging gifts. The Christianized version of the Saturnalia tradition lies with Old Nick and his corporate handlers, not with the God of the Bible.

    In 1087 CE a group of Nicolaitans who regarded Bishop Nicholas as a most holy saint (and who secretly worshiped and served him as Old Nick incarnate according to existing reports) moved his bones from Turkey back to the sanctuary of goddess Pasqua Epiphania in Bari, Italy. There his remains are venerated worshiped. In normal Nicolaitan style, his followers incorporated the cult of the Italian wish-fulfilling Pagan goddess (known as "Grandmother" Pasqua Epiphania) into their heretical rites.

    Mrs. Claus -- Er Ms. Claus

    Even as Nicholas was said to place coins in the shoes of the poor, Goddess Pasqua Epiphania filled the stockings of local children with her gifts. As the worshippers of Nicholas merged with the worshippers of Pasqua Epiphania, "Grandmother" was merged with the Nicholas traditions and effectively became Mrs. Kris Kringle, Mrs SantaClaus -- Don't ask why a Catholic Arch Bishop has a wife in his cult... Her shrine at Bari became the center of the Nicholas cult where she continued to be honored. It was then that the tradition of exchanging gifts on the anniversary of Nicholas' death (December 6) began!

    December 6th: This tradition was later added to the twelve days of Christmas and the December 25th observances although the rites continue in some parts of Europa on the 5th or 6th of December to this day.

    Wodan Wodel and Old Nick

    As the Universal Church extended its authority and power across Europa, many of the German and Celtic Pagans blended their pantheons and traditions with the new Triune Nicene God elevated by Nicholas through the Pickling-Tub. Wodan (chief god and father of the trinity of gods: Thor, Balder, and Tue) was merged with the Nicholas cult. It is worth noting in passing that Wednesday is Wodans' day, Thursday is Thor's day and Tuesday is Tue's day -- and of course Sunday is the day of Sol Invictus, Monday belongs to the Moon god and Friday is Goddess Fria's day. Not only was the biblically mandated Shabbat taken from the Believers and replaced with Sol's day, it was given to the Pagan god Saturn (for more on Shabbat read my Sabbath series Here.

    This elevation and merger of Wodan with Saint Nick established his rank within the Illuminati hierarchy of gods. Now Wodan Wodel wielded the authority of Old Nick as consort of Pasqua Epiphania! In the eyes of their followers and secret Catholic cabals this placed Wodan above even the public face of the Triune Nicene god! Now mystically Saint Nick became a "Grandfather God" (and was ranked along side "Grandmother Goddess").

    To facilitate this merger of religious authority and to more fully blend with Wodanwic, Nicholas of Myra now grew his hair long, sprouted a long white beard (showing his authority and primal nature), donned appropriate winter apparel, mounted and rode a great horse through the heavens in imitation of Sol Invictus (later his ride was changed to a single reign deer, then to a sled with 8 reign deer -- then Rudolph was added later as I will discuss below).

    To more closely align with the Winter Solstice the Nicolaitan, Nicene, Catholic Church next updated the Nicholas traditions to reflect his new powers and omniscience (now Santa knew if you'd been bad or good and would act accordingly!) while being careful not to alienate the common people by making Santa appear to be a rival to the triune god they had so carefully crafted. The newly empowered Saint Nick would now distribute his gifts and pass his judgements (with the help of Krampus and the others) on the children of the planet. When the song says: "You better be good!" it meant it literally! Otherwise Krampus would come and get you! Serve god Nick and receive goodies, oppose him and you will pay the consequences!

    It is known that the Nicolaitans of Bari gradually merged into the greater Catholic Church and were absorbed by it, although rumors continue that the cult still exists in its own rite among the Merovingian hierarchy.

    In 1809 Washington Irving (author of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle) wrote Knickerbocker Historywherein he satirized Nicholas as the Dutch Santa Claus (Sinterklaas).

    "Twas the Night before Christmas"

    Dr. Clement Moore, a professor at Union Seminary, read Knickerbocker Historyand in 1822 he penned the famous poem:

    Twas the Night before Christmas"
    A Visit from St. Nicholas

    Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
    Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
    The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
    In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

    The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
    While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
    And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
    Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
    I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
    Away to the window I flew like a flash,
    Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

    The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
    Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
    But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

    With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
    I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
    More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
    And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

    "Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
    On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
    To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
    Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

    As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
    When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
    So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
    With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

    And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
    The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
    As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
    Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

    He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
    And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
    A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
    And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

    His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
    His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
    His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
    And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

    The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
    And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
    He had a broad face and a little round belly,
    That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

    He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
    And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
    A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
    Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
    And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
    And laying his finger aside of his nose,
    And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

    He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
    And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
    But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
    "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

    Does this sound biblical to anyone?

    It was Clement Clarke Moore who added the eight tiny reindeer and Santa entering people's homes through sooty chimneys by night. Again, the idea of the god-man Nicholas slipping in through fire filled chimneys fits his basic mythos! Moore has been described as a dour, straitlaced academician and professor of the classics at the General Theological Seminary in New York City. He authored among other works a two-volume tome entitled A Compendious Lexicon of the Hebrew Language. He was clearly well acquainted with the Sinterklaas accounts but probably believed little about the occulted tales of the god-man Nicolas-Woden and Sinterklaas. As the saying goes, "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he does not exist." Nonetheless the legends and mysteries of Sinterklaas and his associates lives on.

    So one must ask...

    If Christmas is about the birth of Y'shua of Nazareth, where is he in all these clearly Pagan traditions and practices?

    If Christmas is not about the birth of Y'shua, why do faithful Christians teach their children to anxiously await the arrival of a Pagan soot smeared god and his incubus helpers?

    Why do Christians instruct their children to leave sacrificial offerings of cookies and milk to this Nicolaitan god?

    Why do Bible believing people who are taught that the love of material possessions is the root of all evil (I Timothy 6:10) honor a Pagan god of greed and hedonism?

    Why do they display his image in their homes?

    Why do they sing songs of praise to and about him?

    Why do they bring forbidden items like idolatrous trees into their homes and decorate them in direct defiance of Scripture?

    Why do they insist on celebrating such clearly anti-biblical traditions?

    Why do Christian parents place their young ones on the lap of an incubus (or one dressed in his guise) and instruct them to ask for material objects that they will in all likelihood never receive?

    I'm just asking...

    Bavarian illustrator Thomas Nast

    The appearance of Old Nick varied greatly for a long time. Sometimes he was shown as a stern Bishop (as Nicholas of Myra), sometimes as a busy elderly elf, sometimes as a fearsome incubus, and sometimes as a fur clad mountain man but his true form was never shown to the public.

    The Bavarian Illuminati had great plans for Old Nick (or more accurately he had great plans for them!) and so once they had his myth firmly established with Moore's Night Before Christmas (originally under a more sinister title: A Visit from St. Nicholas) they formalized Old Nick's public image through the art work of Bavarian illustrator Thomas Nast.

    By presenting the Pagan winter festival as the birthday of their god-man the Nicolaitans succeeded in leading the Christian world yet farther away from Rebbe Y'shua and the Torah and more into the worship of Dagon-Woden-Nicolas and the gods of Babylon.

    But... Santa Clause Isn't Real So Why Does Any Of This Matter!

    Santa -- Satan



    And behind it all with demonic glee is Old Nick! Surely it is no coincidence that Santa, in English, an anagram of Satan!

    Another key Nicolaitan coup seldom considered by Christians is that once their children realize that Santa is "only a myth" despite the assurance of their parents when they are most impressionable, as they mature many reasonably begin to assume that God -- the other "imaginary friend who watches over us and keeps a list of whose been naughty and nice" is also only a myth. Some guy in the mall wearing funny cloths speaks for Santa, some guy in the church (sometimes wearing funny cloths) speaks for God. What's the difference?


      Well.... at least Santa bring material goodies!

    "My dear friends, never forget, when you hear the progress of enlightenment vaunted, that the devil's best trick is to persuade you that he doesn't exist!" -- Charles Pierre Baudelaire.

    The Bavarian illustrator Nast created the popular version of Santa Claus known today. He also added to the myth by giving Santa a home at the North Pole instead of in the mountains of Bavaria. He provided him with a workshop filled with busy elves (reminiscent of the nature spirits honored by the Pagans) and with a list of the good and bad children (in heretical imitation of the biblical truth that judgement comes from HaShem alone).

    The Beatles once got into trouble when John Lennon correctly stated that the band was more popular with America's youth than Jesus. Americans have largely abandoned religious truth. Christian parents facilitate this sad state of affairs by lying to their children and teaching them Paganism rather than biblical truth.

    Coca-Cola Red

    After Nast, all that remained was Santa's red outfit.

    In 1931 the Coca Cola Corporation contracted the Swedish commercial artist Haddon Sundblom to create a coke-drinking Santa (he also created Aunt Jemima and the Quaker Oats Man).

    Not surprisingly Kent, Muhtar (President and CEO of the Coca-Cola Company) and George A. David (chairman of Coca-Cola's Hellenic Bottling Co.) are also members of the Merovingian led Bilderberg Group of Global Elite. George A. David is also a member of the notorious Club of Rome. The Hellenic Coca Cola Bottling Co. is one of Europe's major soft drink companies. While we can not say for certain, as I discuss Here, there is strong biblical evidence that Rex Mundi (the Antichrist) will arise from the Greek Isles (he must certainly arise in Western Europe). This globalist corporation insisted that Santa's fur-trimmed suit be presented in bright Coca Cola red. Perhaps it seems I'm stretching the point a bit here, however given the known ties binding Coca cola with the Illuminati (via their membership in Club Bilderberg and the Club of Rome), it is reasonable to question whether this might not suggest something darker -- a link between the color of Santa's outfit to, for instance, an association with the the "Red Shield"(or "Rothschild" family of the Bavarian Illuminati).

    Globalist ties run deep.

    Rudolph Joins the team

    Rudolph, that "most famous reindeer of all," hitched his yoke to Old Nick's reindeer team about a hundred years after the original herd of eight flying deer was selected. Rudolph was created by Robert L. May, a copywriter at the now defunct Montgomery Ward department store in 1939 to bring in more customers. May created the myth that is now standard Christmas fare.

    How Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Got His Start

    The Complete 1964 Show.

    Thus with the aid of a Bavarian artist and a Bilderberg member corporation (including the symbolic red shield of the Rothschild House) Santa became the real reason for the season supplanting Jesus and further alienating the people from the God of Israel and His eternal Truth.

    Jethro Tull - A Christmas Song

    Happy Holidays.

    If you choose to celebrate, do so with understanding.

      ~ John of AllFaith

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  • The Mark is almost here.... Watch this commercial!

    The Mark is almost here.... Watch this commercial!